Monday, 11 November 2013


Chakor events, a top-notch event/wedding planning group based in Ph, held a photoshoot to display some of their wonderful attires/products. Peep the wonderful brides. Interested parties can find their contact information below
Mind you; the pics  might make you wanna wed again. , 08099889585, 08056620564

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Halloween night at Cosmo Lounge GRA PH

What has been termed in some quarters as the best halloween party of 2013 took place at Cosmo lounge GRA PH on 31st October 2013 as Port Harcourt peeps stepped out in their various costumes to join in the fun of halloween. From Dracula to Scorpion to Doctor evil to the vampire nurses, different attires were on display. Leonphotographyng was there live. Peep the colourful shots.